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LawCall: Steps to Legitimize a Child in Georgia

What steps does someone need to take to legitimize or legitimate their child in Georgia?

Generally, it would be a father filing to have a child legitimized or legitimated. The father, if he was not married to or did not subsequently marry the mother of his child, then he would file an action for legitimation. In that action, he could seek custody and/or visitation. Also, he needs to be prepared that if child support has not been previously ordered then that is something that will be ordered as well in the legitimation action. The legitimation action is an action that gets filed in the Superior Court of the county where the mother of the child lives. The father does not have any legal rights to the child until a legitimation action is filed in Superior Court and the court issues an order. So everything, such as his visitation or talking to the child, is at the mother’s discretion until the legitimation action is granted.

For more information regarding legitimation:

Legitimation Attorneys in Macon 

Contact Ashley M. Brodie and the Macon attorneys at the Brodie Law Group for all your legitimation questions. Remember, under Georgia law you have no legal rights until your child is legitimated. Call (478) 239-2780 to speak with a legitimation attorney today.

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